Sunday, August 9, 2009

Welcome To The DNN! (Daily News Network)

All to often the mainstream news media spotlights celerbraties and high profile politicians for several days (The death of Michael Jackson anyone?). For like 3 weeks straight CNN constantly ran his death, his life, one conspiracy after another, who will get the kids, who got the kids, ETC. Meanwhile other more important news got buried so far down that they never had a chance to come to the surface. Please don't get me wrong, I have nothing against Mr. Jackson, I'm just proving a point, and his death was the latest "Big News" that CNN and most other mainstream news media outlets buried other important news.

There is other sites that shed light on buried news, why am I making this site? Look in your phone book and search for Plumbers... I think you get my point. There's a million restaurants, grocery stores, ETC all doing pretty much the same thing, but for some reason you prefer one for the other, maybe one has better fruit than the other store or something, so why can't that apply to news sites too?

This site will try to be "Fair And Balanced" as much as possible, some of the time I'll be posting about other news articles that I think are underreported so it may or may not be totally balanced since it's something that I didn't write myself. But I'll be transparent and let you know I will probably favor left-leaning topics.

Sources: Whenever possible I'll list my sources, usually I get my news from 3 sources: Mainstream such as AP, CNN, Fox, MSNBC, CBS, ETC. and Independent and foreign news Reuters, state-run media Press TV (Iran), CCTV (China), and ALjazeera English. (Aljazeera and Press TV, CCTV can easily be viewable with this free player; LiveStation .

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